Getting Rid of Imposter Syndrome Workshop

from $10.00

Imposter syndrome is the great killer of inspiration, hope, joy, and opportunity. An abundance mindset is the antidote. This isn’t an hour of manifesting. It’s a total reframing of how we see what is possible and making conscious and actionable choices to bring more of what we want and need into our lives.

Saturday, February 18th, 2023 - 1pm MST

ONLINE - 1 hour

Course Price:
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Embracing abundance means opening of doors to possibilities we thought were closed.

During this 1-hour online workshop, our goals will be to:

  • Understand the difference between and abundance mindset (active) and manifesting (passive)

  • Recognize negative vs. positive thinking and behaviors

  • Learn strategies to kick importer syndrome to the curb

  • Explore how to create more opportunities in our lives

  • Figure out ways to know which opportunities to pursue and which one not to pursue

  • Know how to monitor and adjust

This workshop will have some pre-work for each attendee so everyone has explored ideas and obstacles in advance so we are ready to go!