Hi! I’m Vanessa Torre. I’m so glad you’re here.

Some things to know about me:

Writing is my love language, my purpose, and how I make sense of the world. From the joys and challenges of midlife, to dating and relationships, to the damn patriarchy and gender roles, I’m tackling the issues that affect and connect us. You can read my essays on Medium and right here on my website.

My passion is helping women in midlife reclaim parts of themselves that just got left behind over the last few decades and working with them to create a blueprint for a life with more joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

When I’m not hyping women in midlife, I’m a mom to an incredibly tall college freshman who actually, yes, does play volleyball, and the primary caregiver to 30+ houseplants and a not-to-be-named number of bottles of wine. I have been known to, on occasion, take spontaneous solo road trips in my pop-up camper, accompanied by my lap dog Pippa and Brandi Carlile blasting through the speakers. Find me on Instagram to follow my adventures.

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