Toxic Positivity Only Holds Our Masks in Place

I’m going to start with this right out of the gate, so you know my heart. The Lucky Girl Syndrome or any iteration of empowerment through delusion is pure and utter horseshit. Okay. That felt good. I have some explaining to do, don’t I?

When I started to see the phenomenon pop us, I was annoyed. Then I was concerned. Then I was a bit angry. For those of you not in the know, it’s a trend where millions of (mostly young white) women make videos telling themselves they are lucky and only good things come to them. And then they just sit and expect it to work magic.

And we’re ALL supposed to do this. Actually, men, I don’t know what you’re supposed to do. Apparently, your gender has determined that you just fumble around the world. Yeah, I’d feel cheated too, my dudes. It’s okay to be annoyed by that. I promise.

It took me a hot minute to figure out why this annoys the holy ever-loving hell out of me. And then it hit me. Oh yeah, I have ADHD. There’s a connection.


From 0 to Midlife Swamp Monster in 2.4 Seconds


No One's Mad At You. You Just Think They Are.