A robust, affordable monthly membership for women who have arrived at midlife and refuse to go quietly into the second half of their lives.

This is our time and we’re blowing the doors off midlife. Welcome to reimaging your life exactly how you want it to be. Experience personalized coaching, tools, and resources to help you cultivate lasting contentment and fulfillment

Any of these sound familiar?

You feel stuck, and know you’re meant for more, but what?

You’re. So. Damn. Tired. All. The. Time

There was a woman you once were but you lost her somehow

Midlife is wreaking havoc on your hormones, body, and self-esteem

You’ve been ruled by what you should do and you want your life back

Selling all your belongings and moving to an island seems a great idea

All this is totally normal. Welcome to midlife. We’re gonna navigate this and make it badass.

So, you could stay stuck, or for less than you would spend on getting coffee this month, you can get unstuck, and have all this…

Clarity and direction

Gain a clearer understanding of your values, priorities, and goals, and a plan for achieving them.

Fulfillment and happiness

Live a more authentic and purposeful life, leading to greater happiness and contentment

Improved relationships

Cultivate deeper connections with others and to create a more supportive network of people

Increased self-esteem

Overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk, and gain the confidence to pursue your goals and dreams

Greater self-care

Prioritize your own well-being in ways that support your physical, mental, and emotional health

I needed so much help, guidance, and support when I hit midlife and I didn’t have it. So I struggled on my own and I don’t want you to have to do the same thing.

Midlife hit me like a ton of bricks in my early 40s

You want to talk about stuck? I had this going on in my life:

An unfulfilling job that was sucking the life out of me

An unhappy marriage with divorce papers printed out

My life was dictated by what I “should” be, not who I was

No real support system to help me on so many dark days

With a lot of hard work and struggle, I traded all of that in for:

My own company so I can work where and when I want

Meaningful friendships with amazing people

A sense of identity that aligns with my truest self

Adventure, contentment, and a renewed purpose in life

Over several years, I learned how to cultivate a life that was more meaningful and gathered tools and resources along the way. Now, I want to take those, combined with my coaching and education background, and help you craft a beautiful midlife that allows you to feel deep joy!

Let me tell you how we’re going to do this together for only $7/month.

Here’s how I’m going to help you maximize midlife

Structured coaching

Detailed weekly resources (worksheets, guides, journal prompts, etc.) based on YOUR feedback and needs. Work at your own pace on meaningful activities designed to help you dig deep, find answers, and take action.

Clear intentions

Monthly challenges to keep you laser-focused on removing obstacles from your path. These challenges leave you with a more clear mindset that improves your self-perception and understanding of your wants and needs.

Guided, expert help

You’ll get help directly from me via twice-monthly group coaching calls. We’ll tackle whatever you need to. You’re not just working in the dark here. We’re flipping on lights. I’m right here when you need more help.

  • Stress management: Decreasing overwhelm and finding more calm

  • Body image: Learning to love and accept oneself at any age

  • Hormonal changes: Menopause, perimenopause, and their effects on the body

  • Relationships: Navigating relationships with spouses, children, and friends

  • Careers: Revitalizing your current career or exploring a new one

  • Travel: Exploring new places and/or heading out on our own

Topics we’re going to tackle in the next few months:

Access your membership for $7/mo.!

Meaningful worksheets and challenges to keep you focused

Weekly journal prompts to help remove mindset obstacles

Monthly “office hours” to get help and on-the-spot coaching

Easy to access custom coaching portal for all your materials

Twice monthly group coaching calls to tackle what you’re struggling with

This is your golden ticket to create contentment and fulfillment in your midlife and have fun while doing it.

Let’s be real, a whole bunch of coaches want to charge you hundreds of dollars each month for this kind of content. I’m not a fan of that. My goal is to help as many women as possible, grow a community of badass women, and change how the world sees women in midlife. It is more important to me to make this affordable for you. My commitment is to YOU not creating the illusion of exclusivity.

Wanna know the value of everything that you’re getting?

Two 1-hour group coaching calls - $167

Monthly “office hours” - $147

Midlife “danger zone workbooks - $7 x 6 - $42

Monthly worksheets and challenges $27

Weekly journal prompts - $7

Bonus content and coaching videos $17

This WOULD cost you OVER $350/month!

BONUS! This game-changer is waiting in your coaching portal!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I access the content?

A: As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive an email with a link to create a login for the group portal. Everything is housed in one place! Each month will have its own module with content dropped throughout the month. That means you’ll never lose track of all your coaching materials! And (bonus!) the portal let’s you know what you’ve worked on!

Q: How will I know what to do with the materials?

A: I am personally invested in making the program easy and enjoyable for you! At the beginning of the month, you’ll get the initial materials along with a video that tees up the topic focus and the work we’ll be doing. As more materials drop each week, you’ll get a super short video that just goes over what we’re working on. Easy! Also, the workbooks will be detailed, for sure!

Q: What if I need some extra coaching, support, or help?

A: Not a problem! I’m happy to help when you need an extra boost. The monthly membership includes a private, members-only Facebook group so you have access to bonus materials, helpful information, and a community of women just like you that are in the same place you are. If you need any help with the materials, simply reach out to me there or via email!

Q: If I refer a friend to the membership, can I get a discount?

A: Hell yes! We are NOT meant to navigate midlife alone. The more you are personally connected to this, the more you’ll get out of it. Bringing a friend along can make a huge difference in your success. When you sign up, we’ll set you up with a referral link. If you refer someone through that link and they join, you’ll get a discount as long as you’re both members!

Q: Do I have to be a member for any certain period of time?

A: Absolutely not! You can cancel anytime. You are never locked into a certain period of time. Please do know that the membership auto-renews each month on the day you signed up so cancelations would need to be done before then.